Beiträge von Nicklander

    Ich glaube das ist von der Engine im Multiplayer leider so fest vorgegeben und nicht modifizierbar (hardcoded).

    Seit Sommer letzten Jahres arbeiten ein Paar Leute an OpenHOW. Ein Open Source Remake von Frontschweine. Also im Prinzip das alte Spiel auf einer neuen modernen Engine inclusive Leveleditor und Modding-Support. Soweit geht das Projekt super voran. Sie wollen auch an einem Netzwerk-Code arbeiten damit man Multiplayer auch online mit Kumpels spielen kann. Wenn das mal fertig wird, wirst du mit Sicherheit auch alles im Multiplayer modden können weil dann auch die ganzen Restriktionen wegfallen.

    1. => Ist es möglich irgendwie die schöne Hintergrundmusik während des Spiels problemlos abspielen zu lassen? Habe bereits das mit der inmm.dll schon gemacht und bisher erreiche ich nur das die Gegner Ihre Musik haben, ansonsten eigentlich nichts, würde allerdings das gerne so haben, das wenn Ich am ZUG bin, auch die hübsche Musik der Grunzkovskis abgespielt werden kann, ist dies irgendwie Möglich?

    Ja. Wenn du das Spiel schon mit der inmm.dll gepatched hast, kannst du die Musik im Ordner "Music" einfach ersetzen.

    2. => Ist es möglich im Multiplayer-Modus -> Kampfkeiler, Helden, Chirurge oder sogar die LEGENDEN freizuschalten bzw. zu Modden/Hacken damit diese Spielbar sind? Mir würde sogar reichen wenn der Grenadier das Design vom Legenden hätte, das wär schon für mich ein Checkpott.

    Im Singleplayer geht das ohne Probleme. Im Multiplayer weiss ich das nicht. Du kannst aber wie gesagt probieren es nachträglich mit zB Cheat Engine einzufügen. Dafür musst du das Spiel und Cheat Engine starten und dann das richtige Offset finden. Es handelt sich um einen Wert der angepasst werden muss damit die Schweine einen anderen Rang haben. Ich weiss leider nicht genau welcher Wert das ist. Es kann aber durchaus sein, dass der Multiplayer die Singleplayer Ränge akzeptiert. Eine Liste der Ränge findest du im Wiki: Ranks

    Ich kann dir leider nur begrenzt weiterhelfen weil ich das noch die probiert habe, aber ich kann auch mal andere Modder fragen ob die eine Idee haben. Wenn du Erfolg hast melde dich !


    Winner of Kackiest Kacky 2: Plastorex

    1.: Plastorex
    2.: TheInsane
    3.: Edge
    4.: Marmerladi
    5.: Xerox
    6.: Skyrunn
    7.: Hoffman
    8.: Simo
    9.: Igntul
    10.: Youri


    KACKIEST KACKY 3: The Final Chapter


    Server: tmtp://#join=sky_war

    Duration: 20.11.2018 - 23.12.2018

    Maps: Kackiest Kacky #151 - #200

    Style: 99% Luck

    Difficulty: Somewhere between Chuck Norris & Asian


    Team #mot & Team Sky joined forces for the third and very last edition of the "Kackiest Kacky" TMNF competition. As the previous two events, it will last for one month starting on the 21st November. The goal is basically to finish incredibly lucky challenges and exploit some bugs. Our team of roughly 25 builders gave their best to deliver the highest quality of creative luck maps. Every player has a chance to win since skill isn't really the main focus of this competition.


    The rules are quite simple: The goal is to finish as many maps as possible. There's a total of 51 maps which will be played for 1 month and every finished map will grant 1 point. The server rank (or the time driven on the tracks) only matters in the case of same number of finishes between two or more players. At the end of the event, the results will be announced on TMX Forums, as well as #mot/sky discord servers and our homepage.

    Use the /toprecs command on the server to check your current score !


    This event is sponsored by Nadeo ! The luckiest 3 players will win exclusive Nadeo merchandise.

    1.: 100'000 coppers + Nadeo merchandise of your choice

    2.: 75'000 coppers + Nadeo merchandise of your choice

    3.: 50'000 coppers + Nadeo merchandise of your choice

    4.: 40'000 coppers

    5.: 33'333 coppers

    6.: 25'000 coppers

    7.: 20'000 coppers

    8.: 15'000 coppers

    9.: 12'500 coppers

    10.: 10'000 coppers

    11-15.: 5'000 coppers

    16-20.: 3'000 coppers

    21-30.: 1'000 coppers


    Check the post below for the Nadeo Merchandise !


    Main organizers: Nixion (Discord: Nixion#0868) & Nicklander (Discord: Nicklander#2791)

    Sky Discord:

    Sky Homepage:


    Sadly this will be our last edition of Kackiest Kacky. We had a lot of fun organizing those contest for you. Aftermovie videos of all three contests are in the makings. Team Sky, Team #mot & friends wish you the most painful Christmastime Trackmania has ever seen !


    Valera's Hardcore Mod (Final version):…

    Valera's Hardcore Mod (Beta version):

    Pavel Watch's Alone Hog Mod:…Of+War+%28Alone+Mod%29.7z

    Nicklander's Mod: in the making !


    Russian Outfit by Darkel Uncut/BalinDMK:


    Bouncy Mod by Flammable89:


    MTD/MAD Archive Editor:

    TIM Viewer:

    Trackmania Legends #4: Sonic Edition

    Hey Bois & Grills ! :O
    Here we go with another edition of Trackmania Legends taking place the whole month of June 2018.
    It's finally time to play the long-awaited Sonic maps !
    For more information check the first post, additional infos will get published soon. (Y)


    General information
    Server: tmtp://#addfavourite=sky_war
    Duration: 01.06.2018 - 30.06.2018
    Maps: Sonic's Maps
    Style: LoL

    You can check your server rank with the command: "/top100"


    1st: 25'000 Coppers
    2nd: 20'000 Coppers
    3rd: 15'000 Coppers
    4th: 10'000 Coppers
    5th: 7'500 Coppers
    6th: 5'000 Coppers
    7th: 4'000 Coppers
    8th: 3'000 Coppers
    9th: 2'000 Coppers
    10th: 999 Coppers
    11th: 1 Copper

    Total prizepool: 100'000 coppers




    This competition was a big success ! Thanks to all the players for the great response and participation !

    ~ Nicklander

    Top5 Results B11-B15

    B11 by Nicklander

    1st: Muffles
    2nd: Matt
    3rd: Prasko

    B12 by J'Last

    1st: Zodwin
    2nd: Matt
    3rd: Keby
    4th: Tristan
    5th: Muffles

    B13 by Tristan

    1st: Matt
    2nd: Muffles
    3rd: Prasko
    4th: Fliks

    B14 by Zodwin

    1st: Tristan
    2nd: Matt
    3rd: Prasko
    4th: Muffles
    5th: Fliks

    B15 by Nicklander

    1st: Matt
    2nd: Burni
    3rd: Muffles

    Top5 Results B06-B10

    B06 by Nicklander

    1st: Tekky

    2nd: Tristan

    3rd: Nixion

    B07 by Nicklander

    1st: Tekky

    2nd: Tristan

    3rd: J_Last

    4th: Meh

    B08 by Nicklander

    1st: Tristan

    2nd: Skandear

    3rd: J_Last

    4th: Limaoo

    B09 by Nicklander

    1st: Simo_900
    2nd: Igntul
    3rd: Tristan
    4th: Youri

    B10 by Nicklander

    1st: Tristan
    2nd: Levon

    Top5 Results B01-B05

    B01 by Nicklander

    1st: Levon

    2nd: Yato

    3rd: Tristan

    4th: Zodwin

    5th: Tekky

    B02 by Zodwin

    1st: Levon

    B03 by Zodwin

    1st: Sightorld

    2nd: Levon

    3rd: Tristan

    4th: J'Last

    5th: Matt

    B04 by Lacsyl

    1st: Levon

    2nd: Tristan

    3rd: Matt

    4th: J'Last

    5th: Tekky

    B05 by Nicklander

    1st: Levon

    2nd: Tristan

    3rd: Matt

    4th: J'Last


    MONDAY 28.12.2020 at 19:00 CET


    Like all the Sky events, we will host this competition on our TMNF Sky Event server:


    Tryhardmania is pretty much an IQ test involving skill but also some luck. Every few months Team Sky organises a little lunatic pathfinding competition. The goal is to finish the challenges, ideally to be among the first finishers. In a nutshell, this competition is all about finishing hard and/or tricky challenges. The maps themselves are re-done versions of the TM² campaign, but a tiny bit harder... The builders will try to keep the original look and vibe of the tracks. Except that you'll have to finish those Nadeo tracks in the most f*cked up imaginable way. Most of the time, there are multiple possible intended ways and also lots of unintended cuts. Beside of driving skills and knowledge of various TM tricks, you will need cutting skills in order to find the fastest & least painful way. In most of the cases the pathfinding aspect is the hardest challenge you'll have to struggle with, but sometimes you'll also have to face some trialish or kacky stunts.


    Only 1 rule: Stay inside the stadium ! (no stadium roof, no extra speed from outside the stadium)


    • Every finisher can submit their replays to be part of a sick aftermovie (upload to TMX or send on Discord).
    • Top5 finishers will get a special mention.
    • Top3 finishers get coppers prizes on every map:
      • 1st: 3000 coppers
      • 2nd: 2000 coppers
      • 3rd: 1000 coppers


    The best player of every edition will be entered into this list.

    • Tryhardmania I (A01 - A05): [Sky] J'Last
    • Tryhardmania II (A06 - A10): [Sky] Sokko #mot
    • Tryhardmania III (A11 - A15): [Sky] Tristan
    • Tryhardmania IV (B01 - B05): Levon
    • Tryhardmania V (B06 - B10): [Sky] Tristan
    • Tryhardmania VI (B11 - B15): [Fwo] Matt #mot
    • Tryhardmania VII (C01 - C03): [Sky] Tristan
    • Tryhardmania VIII (C04 - C06): [Fwo] Matt #mot
    • Tryhardmania IX (C07 - C09): [Sky] Mcplaya #mot
    • Tryhardmania X (C10 - C12): [Fwo] Matt #mot
    • Tryhardmania XI (C13 - C15): [Sky] Draggy #mot




    TRYHARDMANIA C01-C15: soon!

    Trackmania Legends #3: Penguin Edition

    To start 2018 with a bang we got a neat mix of many different map styles. No matter if you're a tech, fs, lol or lunatic player, this series has it all. May the best TM all-rounders win ! As always, don't forget to upload your replays to TMX and of course AWARD the maps you liked.

    General information

    Server: tmtp://#addfavourite=sky_war

    Duration: 01.01.2018 - 21.01.2018

    Maps: Penguin Fever by Maarten

    Styles: Tech / Fullspeed / Cutting / LoL / Hard LoL


    You can check your server rank with the command: "/top100"


    1st: 15€ + 5'000 coppers

    2nd: 4'000 coppers

    3rd: 3'000 coppers

    4th: 2'500 coppers

    5th: 2'000 coppers



    Thanks to everyone for their participation in this smaller competition !

    ~ Nicklander

    Trackmania Legends #2: HaRD LoL Edition

    Since our Hakim hunt was a great success, we decided to move on with the next legend !

    The one and only DexM, creator of the most known LoL series in Trackmania !

    General information

    Server: tmtp://#addfavourite=sky_war

    Duration: 01.12.17 - 15.12.17

    Maps: HaRD LoL by -DexM-

    Style: LoL / Hard LoL

    Organizers: Marvin & Nicklander


    You can check your server rank with the command: "/top100"


    10.- € Amazon Giftcard

    63'000 Coppers Pricepool

    1st: 10'000 coppers + 10€ Amazon Giftcard

    2nd: 9'000 coppers

    3rd: 8'000 coppers

    4th: 7'500 coppers

    5th: 7'000 coppers

    6th: 5'000 coppers

    7th: 4'000 coppers

    8th: 3'000 coppers

    9th: 2'500 coppers

    10th: 2'000 coppers

    11th: 1'000 coppers

    12th: 1'000 coppers

    13th: 1'000 coppers

    14th: 1'000 coppers

    15th: 1'000 coppers



    Thanks to everyone for the HUGE participation :!:

    ~ Nicklander

    Trackmania Legends #1: Hakim Edition

    As a huge Hakim fan it's a honor for me to host this contest. The rules are the same as for the kackiest kacky event. You only need to finish the maps once, no matter the time. I will obviously contribute some coppers as well (around 30'000 I guess if we get some participation).

    Thanks to my teammates Sokko, Kitty & Draggy for this awesome idea. Also a huge thanks to the legend himself, Hakim: The Godfather of Lunatic tracks.

    General information

    Server: tmtp://#addfavourite=sky_war

    Duration: 01.11.2017 - 01.12.2017

    Maps: Crank & Lunatix series by Hakim

    Style: Extreme Lunatic Maps *insert nonono cat*


    Time doesn't matter in this contest (to a certain degree), you will receive points for finishing maps no matter the time!

    You can check the amount of finished maps with the command "/toprecs".

    If two or more players have the same amount of finished maps, then "/top100" will determine the ranks.


    1.: Plastorex

    2.: Igntul

    3.: Logic

    4.: Zodwin

    5.: Nixion

    6.: Kitty

    7.: TheInsane

    8.: JojoE

    9.: Levon

    10.: Danilo

    *If players have the same amount of finishes, the rank determines the order.


    Kitty's World Record Compilation

    Logic's Best Of Video

    That first edition was BEYOND EPIC, the amount of tryharding was litterally breaking boundaries ! 8|

    ~ Nicklander

    Trackmania Legends Contest

    About the concept

    Trackmania Legends is a contest organized by Nicklander, Nixion, Team Sky, Team #mot & friends. It's all about hunting a well known map series by a legendary mapper. These legends contributed enormously to our community, their maps were revolutionary in terms of creativity, quality and of course fun. Without their work, many players wouldn't even have started playing the game, including myself. We wouldn't be where we are right now. Therefore I think it's time to give something back to the creative masterminds that forged our community over the years. We hope that you will have a great time remembering those old milestones in TM history. Don't forget to upload your replays to TMX and of course AWARD the maps you liked to pay respect to the mappers.

    Hall Of Fame: Winners of the previous editions

    • #1 Hakim Edition: Plastorex
    • #2 HaRD LoL Edition: Plastorex
    • #3 Penguins Edition: Plastorex
    • #4 Sonic Edition: Nixion
    • #5 AkroBattic Edition: Plastorex


    If you like those contests and wish to support us, just donate some coppers on our sky event server.

    Thanks in advance for your support and participation guys, it means a lot ! <3

    • FWO | Matt #mot - 60'001 Coppers
    • Kripke - 52'500 Coppers
    • Jesus Christ Saves You - 45'000 Coppers
    • Sky | Marvin - 35'511 Coppers
    • RPG | Xerox - 25'001 Coppers
    • Gargi - 20'370 Coppers
    • Levon - 20'067 Coppers
    • Sky | Sokko #mot - 20'002 Coppers
    • FWO | TheInsane #mot - 20'000 Coppers
    • Sky | Yato - 19'000 Coppers
    • Infector.JoJos.Fun - 16'000 Coppers
    • Q'Marmerladi - 11'111 Coppers
    • PT | CakeyFA - 7'000 Coppers
    • Sky | J'Last - 5'000 Coppers
    • Anubis125 - 5'000 Coppers